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  • Tags: Electronic writing
A six minute multimedia video piece of the mid 90s works that aesthetically cites affinities between 'left bank' cinema movement artists while deploying the disruptive potentials of multi-media on cinematic storytelling conventions. Enemy of Fun is…

Museum of Fire is one third of a three part portmanteau project made in collaboration with John Conomos and David Haines. The work plays with and across various types of motion landscapes: an early motif for many new media artists in the 1980s and…
Rain Shadow [1997] is a highly post produced 5 minute audio-visual work that creates a complex multimodal poetics through the use of original and found footage, (often embedded into each other by use of multiple screens in one screen), slices of…
Tableau's premise is the city: Adelaide. As place, time, tense, sense. It's the 'about' of writing oneself autobiographically, through the physical stratas of city, and it's especially 'about' how to write that to/for someone, as audience/reader,…
Artist StatementOn 11 June 2012, if:book Australia challenged a team of writers and editors to collaborate, write, and publish a book in a single 24-hour period. At midday, the writers gathered at the State Library of Queensland and began working…